Kamis, 25 November 2010

Treasure Hunt (CD Bebi Bilingual)

by: Tim Eldi
Bermain Sambil Belajar Bersama Bebi: Harta Karun bercerita tentang ditemukannya peta harta karun di Bukit Ceria. Benarkah ada harta karun di Bukit Ceria? Ayo ajak anak Anda mengikuti kisahnya sambil bermain dan beraktivitas. 

Pasti seru! Learning Skills: Logic, memory, Counting, Sequencing, Visual Discrimination, Creativity, Matching, Hand-Eye Coordination, Reading, Moral, Observation, Selectivity Aktivitas: Catch & Place, Matching, Arranging the Events, Coloring the Pictures, Dressing Figures, The Similar Patterns, The Piece`s of Neno`s Clothes, Similar But Different, Practice and Memory, Placing, Complete the Words, English Words, Setting the Numbers, Matching Game, Puzzle, Number Code, Cleaning the Objects, Asking and Answer.


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