Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Making The Giant Leap (English Version)

by: Stanley S. Atmadja
Making the Giant Leap attempts to determine how a Giant-Leap Organization is able to achieve such outstanding levels of performance. It achieves this through an examination of an in-depth case study, that of Adira Finance. The phrase ''Giant-Leap Organization'' is coined by the author to describe an organization that achieve sustainable, consistent leaps in growth. As strategist and the doer at the company which forms the basis of his case study, the author attempts to address the fundamental question: "How is a Giant-Leap Organization able to achieve such dramatic levels of performance?"

Through his analysis, the author determines that the secret behind extremely high levels of performance is people. Business strategies, organizational structure, systems, and management tools are indeed important. However, beyond all those factors, it is people who drive the phenomenal growth in performance of the Giant-Leap Organization. A people-centered organization creates an environment in which phenomenal performance can be achieved sustainably and consistently.

The author claims that there are six important elements that facilitate a Giant-Leap Organization in achieving extraordinary levels of performance, with each of these elements forming a chapter within this book:
#1 Leader-Driven Enterprise
#2 Managing by Values
#3 The Power of Team Synergy
#4 People-Focused Execution
#5 Winning Spirit
#6 Human Empathy

The author attempts to internalize his business wisdom, by presenting his ideas through a systematic and easy to understand conceptualizations. Thus, this book is more a rich, experience based conceptual framework rather than the memoirs of a business leader.


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